I told a friend of mine today that I was out of control with food lately and needed to get a grip.  "You look great, though," was her kind reply.  "Thanks," I said, "but my jeans beg to differ."

I decided the remark made a decent title for my next project - writing about the past 365 days I spent trying to take off what took 3,650 days, a husband and two kids to put on...

When my oldest was 3 I tipped the scales at (oh god, am I about to put this is writing? Gulp.) 225 pounds.  I'm 5'3" - there is no way I was pulling that off.  So on top of feeling lousy about my reflection, I was feeling like a bad mom.  I could envision the day when my son would want me to do something really active and I would make an excuse not to do whatever fun thing he asked of me.  Lame.  I also wanted to have another baby, but the thought of packing on even more weight was terrifying.  So, for the next several months I worked on losing the weight.  I lost about 45 pounds and decided that I could tolerate getting pregnant again.  My daughter was born about a year and 30 pounds later.  

I felt ok about the 30 pounds I put on - that's a pretty average sort of number.  The thing is, when my son had his first birthday, I weighed more than I did the day before he was born.  I knew the real struggle was yet to come.  And true to form, on my daughter's first birthday I hadn't lost a single pound.  The number was climbing.  A few weeks before her second birthday I realized I was within 5 pounds of my heaviest weight again, and that's when I decided I needed to do something. 

My son was almost 7, and I was starting to make the excuses I knew I would, and I felt awful about it, but the real kicker was now I had a daughter who would learn everything about self-image from me first.  Oh crap, we're in trouble! Suddenly the prospect of not losing the weight was way scarier than all the sweat and no cookies I was so afraid of before. You see, cookies are my favorite food - cookies and corn dogs, and I was going to have to kiss them both good-bye (for awhile anyway).

It's been a year and I've lost 75 pounds.  I've gone from a size 24 to a 10.  I'm pretty proud of myself!  But it's still a struggle.  I still make a lot of bad food choices, and I still don't really like to sweat.  I have about 25 pounds and/or 2 sizes to go to get to my goal - but there's light...

I'm writing this to keep motivated - to hold myself accountable - to figure out what works so that when I need help (which I often do) I have something or someone to turn to for inspiration - me!  
Kasha Cacy
6/25/2012 11:23:07 pm

Cari - this is amazing!!! I've struggled with the same thing and have been on a similar journey for the past six month. It's so hard, so I feel your pain.

You look AMAZING and losing 75 lbs is a tremendous accomplishment as NONE of it comes up without a ton of effort!

We'll be up in AK in August, let's get our skinny selves together!

6/26/2012 03:04:16 am

Kasha!! Thank you - it means so much to get such supportive comments and it is really nice to know people go through the same struggles!! I would LOVE to see you in August!

Pat Redmond
6/26/2012 04:54:20 am

Cari: Thank you so much! This will be my go to page since I, too, am working on a project. But I am starting again after shedding and regaining 50 + . Keep up the good work.

Pat R.

6/26/2012 08:04:54 pm

Keep it up!!! It would be do much easier if baking weren't so fun, didn't taste so good or if we could just eat whatever we wanted. Balance in life is always good though and I think you have to find that. I'm trying to get those last ten pounds off and it's hard. Luckily though I've got zero excuses as far as exercise goes so hopefully I'll get there soon. Wish you were closer to share a run or yoga session with. :-) xoxo

6/26/2012 09:03:18 pm

Thanks Steph! I wish we were closer, too! Can't actually get much more distance between us, can we?? I would love a yoga partner - you runners are crazy! :) I also have to agree on the baking - I just try to say no when I can and when I can't well, I try not to worry about it. Sometimes you just gotta have that cupcake or three!

6/26/2012 11:20:15 pm

YOU CAN DO IT. I know it is hard but think of how far you have come! You look great.

6/27/2012 06:56:42 pm

Thanks Christina!

Krista Scully
6/27/2012 01:38:44 am

Cari--I just knew that bright light in your soul when we first met. I've always thought you shined so beautiful and bright even more so now. You're looking for a yoga partner? Look no more, my friend. I go at least three-four times a week and would be happy to have you join me. I'm so looking forward to watching your story unfold.

6/27/2012 07:00:41 pm

I really appreciate that fantastic compliment! Please know that the feeling is mutual. And yes - I would love to know when you go to yoga. Right now I can only seem to make my Wednesday morning Kundalini class work with my schedule on a regular basis, but once school starts up again, things get a little more predictable with me. Where do you go? You can just message me on FB. Thanks!!

Rebecca Schernitzki
6/27/2012 05:54:31 am

I am SERIOUSLY impressed...and that is no small feat. Congrats on everything thus far, and I know you will be successful! Thank you for inspiring me, with the weight loss and blog, to set higher goals for myself and pass up those ridiculously delicious McDonald's cookies (I had officially banned that place until they started with the chocolate chips...no more!). You're simply awesome!

6/27/2012 07:10:05 pm

Why are McDonald's cookies so good?? I would often get three with the intention - or so I told myself - of sharing them with my kids and then I would just eat them all before the kids got in the car (bad mom!). Thank you for saying such nice things Rebecca - I really love how us sistas stick together and support each other. The next time those fiendish cookies start calling my name I will remember that you are saying no to them and it will help me tell them to shut up!!

6/27/2012 12:27:31 pm

You are beautiful, brave and an inspiration. I can't wait to see you hit your goal weight. No matter when that happens, the journey you have been on will be worth it. Not because you are at your goal size, but because you accomplished something that at one time seemed unreachable and you didn't give up. You get to be a role model for your kids, friends and strangers who see a healthy, happy woman. Congratulations on what you have accomplished and what is yet to come.

6/27/2012 07:15:37 pm

Thanks Marcy! I remember the first time I actually wrote down the number I needed to lose on paper - just to make it real. It seemed completely unreachable. So I made a new goal. 5 pounds. After that I set another 5 pound goal. That's the key to a success, right - just keep plugging away at it. After a while those small achievements add up to something big! Thank you so much for the vote of confidence!

7/11/2012 01:56:16 pm

Way to go cuz! Keep up the good work and I am very proud of you! Love ya! :)


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