I decided to try a few new things in my smoothies this week! Aloe juice, apple cider vinegar drinks, and concentrated green tea. Hope they will add a little boost!


I've made kale chips before, but this is the first truly successful attempt. The vinegar was key!

Put cut/washed/dried kale in a gallon ziplock. Add olive oil and vinegar (used raspberry for flair) to the bag and massage it into the leaves.

Line a couple of cookie sheets with foil, spread the kale in a single layer on the sheet and pop in a 300*F oven for 30-35 minutes. About halfway through cooking turn the leaves so they don' t stick to the foil.

Take out of the oven and immediately sprinkle with salt. Enjoy!


Most of the smoothies I make don't require any special blender, but for this one, a Vita-Mix (or other industrial strength blender) is key.

First, use an unreasonable amout of leafy greens: kale, spinach, chard, etc... Like 6 cups.

Then add some cooled green tea - about a cup. Blend until really smooth.

Add: 3 apples, 2 peaches, 1/2 pineapple, a few blueberries and/or cherries. Blend until smooth. A banana would probably be yummy too, but I was just using what I had on hand. The Vita-Mix really can handle this much volume.

Add: one cup Greek yogurt, tablespoon honey, and vanilla to taste.

This makes a full blender - about 64 oz. So it will last you a day or two. Keep covered and refrigerated.

Is it a taco? Is it an omelet? No, it's super-taco-omelet!!

I love Mexican food!! But a fondness for tortillas, cheese, and all things fried becomes a stumbling block when you decide to go sans grain, dairy and anything dipped in oil! Enter the egg... I mean huevo! There's no limit to the variations on this theme. I've made "Huevos a la Fiesta" of all kinds, but my favorite versions are the ones pictured.
Place a slice or two of deli chicken or turkey in a pan over medium heat (I usually spray a little Pam before I add the deli slices). Add an egg or two - you can either leave them sunny side up or you can beat them before you add to your pan. Pepper (a little salt if you're feeling naughty) to taste, add a tablespoon of water to the side of your pan so the eggs cook a little easier without burning your deli slices. Cover the pan. Once the eggs are nearly done, add any veggies you'd like warm. I also like to add a dollop of jalepeno Greek yogurt - my dairy exception - and some hot sauce like Chalula or Tobasco. You can either fold your creation like a taco/omelet or leave it open tostada style, then move the dish to your plate. Top with leafy greens, sprouts, any other veggies (I like tri colored bell peppers, jalepenos, avocado and tomatoes) and a wee bit more Greek yogurt.

Tostada con Huevos complete with leafy greens from my garden and loads of salsa!